Dr Michael Fanner

Dr Michael Fanner is a Senior Postdoctoral Researcher at the Department of Social Policy and Intervention, University of Oxford. Michael is involved in several research studies and projects that revolve around infant mental health and health visiting workforce development and interventions from major grant funders including the NIHR. Michael is a Registered Nurse (Adult) and Specialist Community Public Health Nurse (Health Visitor) and maintains registration with Nursing and Midwifery Council through clinical, educational and research practice. In addition, Michael is a Queen’s Nurse and a Fellow of AdvanceHE / Higher Education Academy.

Michael is an Associate Member and College Advisor at St Antony’s College and also supervises MSc and MPhil students on the Evidence Based Intervention and Policy Evaluation programmes. Michael is also an Honorary Assistant Professor in Community Child Health at the School of Health Sciences, University of Nottingham.

  • Baldwin, S., Fanner, M., Beauchamp, H., Gilroy, V., Morton, A. and Barlow, J. 2024. A mixed-methods feasibility and acceptability study of using the Alarm Distress Baby Scale (ADBB) within universal health visiting service practice in England. Institute of Health Visiting & University of Oxford.
  • Whiting, L., Falaise, R., McClinchy, J., Parsons, K. and Fanner, M. 2024. Professional perspectives of food, diet practices and nutrition during pre-conception and pregnancy: A qualitative exploratory study. Journal of Health Visiting. 12. 3.
  • Fanner, M. 2024. Public Health and Health Promotion. In: Willis, S. and Peate, I. Fundamentals of Paramedic Practice. A Systems Approach. 3rd Edition. John Wiley & Sons.
  • Whiting, L, Fallaize, R, McClinchy, J, Parsons, K. and Fanner, M. 2023. Gaining insight into food, diet practices and nutrition during the early year’s lifespan: Preconception and pregnancy. Commissioned Report. University of Hertfordshire. doi.org/10.18745/PB.25454
  • Fanner, M., Whittaker, K. and Cowley, S. 2022. Being orientated towards social justice: learning for health visitor practice. Nurse Education Today. 116. 105386. doi.org/10.1016/j.nedt.2022.105386
  • Fanner, M. 2022. Reflecting on Population Health Learning in Pre-Registration Paramedic Education in a Global Pandemic. in: Turner, D. and Fanner, M. (eds) Digital Connection in Health and Social Work: Perspectives from Covid-19. Critical Publishing Limited.
  • Turner, D. and Fanner, M. (eds). 2022. Digital Connection in Health and Social Work: Perspectives from Covid-19. Critical Publishing Limited.
  • Fanner, M. 2022. Immunisations. In: Peate, I. Clegg, L. and Evans, S. Fundamentals of Pharmacology for Paramedics. John Wiley & Sons.
  • Fanner, M. 2021. Child Protection Vocabulary in Professional Judgement: Fit for Purpose? Editorial. Greenwich Social Work Review. 2. 2.
  • Fanner, M. and Evans, D. T. 2021. Exploring Professionals’ Perceptions of Young Male Victims in English Child Sexual Exploitation Policy: a Critical Discourse Analysis. Greenwich Social Work Review. 2. 2.
  • Fanner, M. and Maxwell E. 2021. Children with Long Covid: Co-producing a specialist community public health nursing response. Journal of Health Visiting. 9. 10. 418-424.