OUR SPACE: Oxford Understanding Relationships, Sex, Power, Abuse, and Consent Experiences

Project outline


OUR SPACE (Oxford Understanding Relationships, Sex, Power, Abuse, and Consent Experiences) is a research study focused on attitudes and experiences regarding sexual harassment and violence among students attending the University of Oxford. The purpose of conducting this study is to better understand an important aspect of culture and student life at the University of Oxford.

Gillian Hamnett, Director of Student Welfare and Support Services

Sexual Harassment and Violence Support Service 

It Happens Here Oxford

Associate Member Michelle Degli Esposti 

Dr Ben Chrisinger, Associate Professor of Evidence-Based Policy Evaluation

1.    Why is this research being conducted?

The purpose of this research project is to understand an important aspect of culture and student life at the University of Oxford. By completing the survey, students will have the opportunity to further the safety and wellness of their peers. Findings will be used to assist the University in further fostering a non-discriminatory environment and improving support services available for students. 

2.    Do I have to take part in this research if I am invited?

No. Your participation is voluntary and you are under no obligation to complete any component of this research project. 

3.     If I participate, are my responses confidential?

Your responses will remain confidential.

4.     Will the results be published?

 The research will be published in academic publications, and through reports and presentations available to the University of Oxford stakeholders and community. If the results of this study are presented to the public, nobody will be able to tell that you were in the study.

5.     I have a question about this study, who do I contact?

If you would like to discuss the research agenda or the survey with someone beforehand (or if you have questions afterwards), please contact: ourspace@spi.ox.ac.uk


If you are a student who would like to discuss the research agenda or the survey with someone beforehand (or if you have questions afterwards) or if you have media inquiries, please contact: ourspace@spi.ox.ac.uk


If you have any questions please get in touch with the research team over email ourspace@spi.ox.ac.uk.


All University of Oxford students over the age of 18 were invited to participate in this research in May and June 2021 by completing an online survey. Every student currently enrolled at the University of Oxford received a link to a consent form and the survey by email.  By completing this survey students had the opportunity to further the safety and wellness of all students. Findings will be used to assist the University in further fostering a non-discriminatory environment and improving the student support services available.  

For information on sexual violence support services that the University of Oxford offers please visit the Sexual Harassment and Violence Support Service.

For resources regarding challenges related to sexual violence and harassment that you may be facing and what you can do to address these challenges please visit the University of Oxford’s compiled list of surviving traumatic events resources.

Research Ethics Approval (CUREC 2) 
Ref No: 

Interviews were conducted in 2023. Our team is currently working on analysing the data and reporting the findings. Ethical approval from Social Sciences and Humanities IDREC R73805/RE002

Our interviewers

  • Bridget Steele, DPhil student, Centenary Scholar, and Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada Doctoral Fellow.
    Read more about Bridget
  • Ben Scher, DPhil student and Society for the Study of Addiction Doctoral Studentship.
    Read about Ben
  • Hannah Phillips, DPhil student and Clarendon Scholar
    Read more about Hannah
  • Alexandra Blackwell, DPhil student and Barnett Scholar
    Read more on Alexandra
  • Annah Chollet, MPhil student and Marshall Scholar
    Read about Annah

We are aiming to identify all existing reviews that explore the policies and programs (“interventions”) used to address sexual violence among higher education students. We will summarise the characteristics and effectiveness of interventions, visualise the existing body of evidence, identify gaps in the literature, and provide priorities for future research and practice.

The project team is: