Dr Hernando Grueso

hernando grueso

Hernando Grueso is a Postdoctoral Researcher working with The Accelerate Team at the Department of Social Policy and Intervention and a Non-Stipendiary Research Fellow at Nuffield College. His work explores ways to integrate machine learning and econometrics to evaluate the impact and cost-effectiveness of interventions towards the achievement of the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). He is particularly interested in studying the relationship between community violence and education, and in figuring out ways in which education can help to promote social and economic development.

Hernando received his PhD in Public Policy from the George Washington University, an MPA from Cornell University, and a double major in Economics and Political Science from Universidad de los Andes, Colombia. Besides his work in academia, he has also served as a consultant for international development organizations such as the World Bank, UNDP, and FAO.

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