Nesma Yassin

Nesma Yassin is depicted with shoulder-length dark hair, donning black-rimmed glasses and a white top. She is seen smiling gently at the camera

Nesma graduated from the Evidence-based Social Intervention and Policy Evaluation program in 2019. During this time, her research interests were health inequalities and transport equity and accessibility in low- and middle-income countries.

Nesma now works for the International Finance Corporation (IFC), the private sector arm of the World Bank, focusing on education, health, and agribusiness sectors in Africa. She currently manages a program in Egypt that aims to support and prepare private healthcare providers to join the Universal Health Insurance Scheme.

Prior to that, she worked as an Evaluation Officer for the European Investment Bank (EIB) in Luxembourg. In this role, she assisted with evaluating the 2020 EU Energy policy and contributed to the thematic evaluation of the EIB’s operations in the energy sector. Additionally, she worked for the Ministry of Planning in Egypt, where she focused on education reform.

Nesma can be reached by email at nesmayassin@aucegypt.eduÂ