Róisín Máire Taylor

Róisín is a humanitarian coordinator and researcher focusing on the intersection of gender, protection and public health. She is currently co-leading the analysis of the EPIC study, which is evaluating the Parenting in Crisis response implemented by the Global Parenting Initiative in response to the war in Ukraine and recent flooding in Pakistan. Róisín holds a Masters of International Law and Diplomacy from the Fletcher School at Tufts University, and a MSc in International Health and Tropical Medicine from the University of Oxford.

Current Projects

Evaluation of Parenting in Crisis (EPIC)


The Evaluation of Parenting in Crisis study (EPIC) examines the dissemination of evidence-based parenting resources aimed at preventing violence against children affected by different humanitarian crises including war, natural disasters, displacement and epidemics. Humanitarian crises have tremendous impacts on children and families. Families experience and witness death, displacement, hardships and financial stress, separation, and very often, violence, all of which are serious risks to their mental health and wellbeing. Parents and caregivers must provide 24/7 care, alongside increased stress, fear, and trauma. Exposure to trauma, hardships, parental mental health, changes in parenting behaviours, violence, and a lack of accessible services are among common risk factors for adverse child outcomes. Positive parenting could provide a protective buffer for children’s mental health and wellbeing in humanitarian crisis contexts. However, there is limited research on parenting interventions in humanitarian settings.

The Parenting in Crisis Response is part of an inter-agency coalition including the WHO, UNICEF, UNHCR, UNODC, University College London, Cardiff University, Parenting for Lifelong Health, the IRC, the Global Initiative to Support Parents and other international organisations. Through the Ukraine Parenting Response and the Pakistan Parenting Response, we have co-developed open-source parenting resources to support families in different humanitarian settings and thereby prevent child abuse. These Parenting in Crisis resources, also known as the Ukraine Parenting resources and the Pakistan Parenting resources, are available via online, audio-visual, and print media, and have been disseminated to over 11.5 million people and translated into 26 languages.