Dr%20Marek%20Naczyk: List of publications

Showing 1 to 13 of 13 publications
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Populist party-producer group alliances and divergent developmentalist politics of minimum wages in Poland and Hungary

The Gramscian politics of Europe’s rule of law crisis

The Sputnik V moment: biotech, biowarfare and COVID-19 vaccine development in Russia and in former Soviet satellite states

A perfect storm: COVID-19 and the reorganisation of the German meat industry

Taking back control: comprador bankers and managerial developmentalism in Poland

Tracking policy responses to COVID-19: Opportunities, challenges and solutions

Insuring individuals… and politicians: Financial services providers, stock market risk and the politics of private pension guarantees in Germany

Shareholders of the world united? Organized labour’s preferences on corporate governance under pension fund capitalism in the United States, United Kingdom and France

When finance captures labor's capital: Dominant personal pensions, resurgent occupational provision in Central and Eastern Europe

Creating French-style pension funds: Business, labour and the battle over patient capital

The Financial Crisis and Varieties of Pension Privatization Reversals in Eastern Europe

Solidarity against all odds: Trade unions and the privatization of pensions in the age of dualization

Social Protection Dualism, De-Industrialization and Cost Containment Foot notes