UK in a Changing Europe; Being EU citizens: Experiences of exercising social rights in the UK

The UK in a Changing Europe Initiative promotes rigorous, high-quality and independent research into the complex and ever changing relationship between the UK and the European Union (EU).

The Initiative’s work is tailored to be easily accessible to policy makers, businesses, journalists, civil society organisations, educational institutions and the general public who are interested in the UK’s relationship with the EU.

Funded by the Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC), and based at King’s College London, the Initiative explores key aspects of UK and EU dynamics, including:

  • Impact of EU policies: how EU policies make a difference in areas such as, the single market, financial regulation, trade, investment, growth and the free movement of people
  • Attitudes towards the EU: social and political attitudes, the nature of euroscepticism, generational differences, the media’s role
  • A Changing UK in a Changing EU: differences in public opinion in England, Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales; implications of constitutional changes in the UK and implications of British exit for different parts of the UK. 

DSPI Principal Investigator: Martin Seeleib-Kaiser

Project funded by: Economic and Social Research Council

Completed (DSPI element): 2015

Policy Brief: Key Characteristics of EU Migration to the UK and Northwest England

Policy Brief: Changes to EU citizens' social rights in the UK

Policy Brief: EU citizens' rights in comparative perspective

More information is available on The UK in a changing Europe website.